Entertaining Cases Tournament
Judge info
Make sure to enter what cases are being run on each side on the ballot.
Only write RFDs when you have time. You can submit the decision and make edits later. Your response will be emailed to you, and form responses can be edited
If this is your first year participating, please read through the rules carefully. This tournament is intentionally very strange. If you have questions, ask a varsity debater.
Like last year, there are only 35 minutes per round, so people need to be very on top of getting to rounds on time. The last 5 minutes in each segment is for moving to the next round. Rounds must start by 5 minutes after the posted start time or it'll cause a huge mess.
This means:
Choose your case before your round time
Have paper/pens for some approximation of flowing
Move from one round to the next promptly
Like last year, you choose from two cases per round.
There is no power matching. Pairings were generated completely randomly. The case options were also generated randomly but needed some manual tweaks to make them work. Judges were random to the extent that they could be, but they were frequently forced due to availability.